I try very hard to look at the bright side of things as often as possible (even though it can be difficult at times). The rules are simple – write a post listing 1 or 100 blessings you’ve found this week.
Here's mine for this week:
1) I'm thankful that we are settling back into our crazy new school routine after a fabulous week on vacation
2) I'm thankful that we went for our 5 year old check-ups and haven't seen our beloved Physician's Assistant since our 4 year old check-up because other than some issues that we had to see Summer's ENT for we've had a healthy year. Just a few years ago we were there weekly for 3 months one winter.... and this is NOT an exaggeration!
3) I'm thankful that we have seen the same PA since the twins were born and that she really remembers when they were tiny babies and always remarks that you can't tell they were preemies!
4) I'm thankful that when the PA asked the kids if they could count to 10, Summer said I can count to 100 and Cole said I can count to 109! We are seriously blessed by the awesome daycare they attended and so far their new kindergarten too! I seriously can't believe all the things they have learned in their short lives.
5) I'm thankful for my family that is always there to help me with the kids or talk to me when I need advice.
6) I'm thankful that I was able to get out for 1 zumba class this week... hoping to fit more exercise into our new schedule as we get used to it.
7) I'm thankful for the beautiful weather that we had today for Cole's first soccer game and for a surprise visit from Grandpa to cheer him on! Oh and that Summer was well behaved even though she cried for 20 minutes last night about how going to his game was going to cancel her day that she had planned of playing with her dolls and coloring.
8) I'm thankful for my husband who secretly searched the internet for the scarf that I fell in love with last week in Disney, but when I went back to buy it found it was sold out!
Awe - what a fantastic list!! What scarf did Jim get for you?