Friday, February 15, 2013

A cooking lesson from Mickey Mouse

It took me awhile to upload the pictures... so this story actually took place last Saturday :)

We have been working on taking away Cole's nap because he is staying up way too late at night so we've been sending in other quiet time activities for him to work on during nap time at daycare.  This week one of the things he took was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book.  Last night he showed me one of the pictures and asked if we could make fruit kabobs like Mickey. 

Today while Cole & Jim were getting haircuts, Summer and I went to produce junction to get some supplies.  Here is our bounty:

They wanted to help me chop, so I assigned them tasks that steered clear of the knives.  Summer was the wipe up girl if we had a spill and Cole was the trash man.  They thoroughly enjoyed their jobs and reminded me if I did one of them by accident.  We talked about each fruit as I chopped.  What color it was, if it had seeds, etc.  Once the items were chopped and in bowls, we got the skewers.  They had lots of fun selecting from the different bowls and making patterns with the chopped fruit. 

Once their creations were completed... they enjoyed their yummy lunch and have already requested more for breakfast!

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