Here is how I did on my February goals!
1) Create and stick to a weekly laundry schedule. I will consider this a partial success! I have the laundry schedule completed and I think I'm pretty much happy with it. I will likely tweak it here and there. For the last 2 weeks I will say that I roughly stuck to it. Definitely not every night, but enough of the time. I really like that the schedule give me something to focus on instead of just procrastinating until it is out of control. I plan to continue and expand on this goal in March.
2) Organize, sort & tag for my March consignment sale. I have a good amount completely, but really wanted to be finished by the end of February. That did not happen, but I do have about 2 1/2 weeks left before my sale so we're down to crunch time.
3) Try some fun new menu options for me & Summer. This was definitely my favorite goal and once I got my new oven, I really did try some great things for both of us. For Summer, I made oven fried corn chip chicken with a homemade honey mustard and invited over my in-laws for dinner. Verdict = delicious! She has also been enjoying her special grilled "cheese" made with daiya shreds (looks like shredded cheese but is vegan, so no dairy!). And this past weekend, I got a donut maker and made dairy free vanilla frosted donuts. We've also been bringing healthier snack options into the house, like more fruit, etc. which by default is dairy free. I have been a little lax on this lately because I hate constantly going to the food store, etc., so I'm really happy that I'm getting back into this. For me... I've been eating a lot more fruits and vegetables and experimenting with some new ways to make them. I'm really trying to cut out a lot of the fatty foods, especially meat because I'm in far less pain with my gallbladder issues when I watch what I'm eating. Good news in it is coming out on March 19th, but I would really like to stick with my diet changes.
Overall, I would rate this month much more successful than last... hopefully March will be even better (although my goals will have to be a little different since I'll be recooperating from surgery for 2 weeks).
Great job Jackie - and those donuts were very YUMMY!!