Summie & Cole always love to see Emi and she always does a great job playing with them. Jim had bought the kids boxes of Mickey books on the last day of our trip and they decided to pull these out for Emi to read to them. I have rarely seen the kids fight over one person's attention (well except Mommy's), and it was really so cute. Cole jumped right into Emi's lap with a book and as she read to him, Summie decided that it was not going to be okay for her to just sit on the floor next to them and hear the same book. She went to get her own book and stood oh about 10 feet away from them staring and pouting as she waited for her turn. After dinner and some books the kids went to bed and Jim fell asleep on the couch. This left the girls up to chat and catch up, which was great since we don't get to see each other too often.
The next morning we got up and had a great breakfast and the kids got some more time to play with Emi before we left. Look at this fun they had...
Isn't it awesome when you get to add in a special visit on vacation!? So glad that you all had a good time!