During this season of hustle and bustle it can get quite stressful to get it all done!
Add in a big family wedding, an unexpected loss and a long weekend trip to Disney with my sister-in-law and well... you guessed it.... I'm a little bit behind!
Last weekend I went to Disney for 5 days with my awesome sister-in-law. It was just the two of us and I think it was actually my husband's idea for us to go together. I am incredibly thankful for this trip and the time that I got to spend with my sister-in-law. I count myself very blessed to have gained an additional sister from my marriage and even more blessed that she and I have become the best of friends in recent years.
I am thankful that my husband got the kids excited for my trip by making fun plans to keep them busy at home, but also by having them make pictures of their favorite ride in Disney that they wanted me to do. I was surprised that they were so very excited for me to go on my trip and have fun!
I am thankful that he drove us to and from the airport... even when our flight home got delayed and that meant picking us up around midnight.
I am thankful that while I was gone he not only got a tree but got all of the decorations from the storage unit and decorated it with the kids!
I am thankful that he sent these incredible gifts to our hotel room that were waiting for us when we arrived. The Christmas ears got us much attention in the parks as they were SOLD OUT!
I am thankful that he made lots of plans to keep the kids busy while I was gone including going out to dinner, seeing a movie and going to Chuck E Cheese. Plus my parents took them to a play so they were booked solid while I was gone. They were so excited for their jam packed weekend with Daddy that they told me not to worry that I was missing it.... they were sure that I'd have plenty of my own fun with Aunt Chele.
But most of all I am thankful that he and the kids had a wonderful opportunity to bond with each other and enjoy each other. They don't always get that chance when I am home. I love them with all my heart, but it was very nice to have a girls' weekend away.